Episode 2: The Red Drug – The Impact of Social Media on Psychically Sensitive Individuals

Starting in about 2015, I noticed a lot of my clients coming to me with weaker sacral chakras.

The sacral chakra is an orange energy center about two inches below the belly button and it has to do with passion, creativity, and focus, as well as career and sexual health.

In addition to that, many of my clients were stressed out, overwhelmed, and anxious.

This sudden increase in both sacral chakra issues and the other emotional symptoms was very alarming to me.

Because I was alarmed, I began exploring my clients’ energies more deeply to better understand what was happening.


Episode 1: Welcome to the Spiritual Mechanic Podcast!

I’m so excited for this first episode! If you’ve been following along, I have been working behind the scenes to make this podcast for about 6 months now.

Between various setbacks, delays, and tech shenanigans, I kept plugging along at a snail’s pace because I really wanted to make this for you.

Do you know what my guides told me? “Slow and steady wins the race. If you rush, you’ll lose first place.”

Why I created this podcast

  • First, so that we have a deeper conversation with about spirituality
  • Second, to say the things I feel like aren’t highlighted or talked about enough in spiritual development circles
  • In order to center nuance and depth, because I want these conversations to be comprehensive and detailed
  • To clarify often misunderstood aspects of metaphysics and spirituality

How to get the most out of it

  • Think about and engage with the content
  • Don’t take my word for anything – take it all for the checking
  • Join the Spiritual Mechanic Foundations FB group to discuss and connect with like-minded folks
  • And above all, ENJOY

Click here to join FB Group

Thank you for joining and I’ll “see” you next time!


“Help! I’m too stressed to hear my intuition!”

This is a common situation I see with people once they have worked with their intuition for a while.

They get to a good place. They can hear the guides. They can clear their energy and then BOOM. It happens.

Shit hits the fan. Major chaos. Life.

The intuition and the guides? Nowhere to be found.

They feel adrift. Confused. And sometimes, abandoned.

Does this sound familiar?

You’re not alone. Most of us (myself included) have periods of being too stressed out to hear our intuition.


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