The 5 Barriers to Confidence for Sensitive Souls

When I first started honoring my calling in 2011, it was an uphill battle.

I had massive resistance every single step of the way.

Even though I knew I was called to this work and had received very clear messages from the guides and the Big U, I still felt incredibly and debilitatingly insecure. I struggled to feel worthy to receive and I also struggled to feel safe and secure in my own skin.

It was awful.

But, I knew my calling and I had juuuuust enough faith to move forward.


Meditating for Busy Bodies

I jumped on a call with one of the Spiritual Mechanic community members because she was struggling with quieting her mind.

She was trying to meditate, but it just was NOT working for her. I wanted to explore that with her since soooo many folks struggle with the same thing.

The problem? She was choosing the wrong activity for her human body.

Quick reminder: You are a spirit living in a human body. All bodies prefer slightly different things and work in different ways.

When developing a spiritual practice that acts as a touchstone for connecting to the Presence that you are, it’s wise to honor what your body naturally craves.


Half Booked, Fully Paid: How to find the right price for your spiritual services

I’ve been a professional in the spiritual arts for more than seven years, as I write this.

I’ve done thousands of reading and healing sessions for my clients and trained over sixty people to become professional psychics and energy healers in their own rights.

And when it comes down to putting a price on the work you do as a professional spiritual practitioner… well.

Things can get tricky.

The challenges of finding the right price for your spiritual services

First, you run into the internal and external voices that say bullshit like:

“All spiritual gifts should be given for free.


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