What to do when you need forgiveness

I recently did a reading for a lovely woman who had a relationship end badly.

She was still hurting and working to figure out how to move on.

But here’s the thing.

The relationship didn’t end because he was some terrible asshole who did her wrong.

It ended because she messed up and deeply hurt him.

This woman needed to move on and heal, but she couldn’t fully do it without taking responsibility for her share of the breakup.

She betrayed his trust and he didn’t want anything to do with her.


The Fear Trap

fearA few years ago I went to a local meetup about spirituality.

I almost never go to those things because I am used to teaching and have to really watch myself to keep from stepping on toes.

It’s one of the side effects of teaching 2-3x a week about spiritual matters. You get used to answering people’s spirituality questions and automatically think people want to hear your opinion everywhere. Ha! (It’s not true, for the record.)

There was a man at this meeting who really opened my eyes to a serious problem in the spiritual community.


A Wound Needs a Witness

a wound needs a witness When I first started my work as a psychic in 2011, I started from a mindset that the people who hired me would be telling me their truth as best as they could.

When they told me about the emotions or circumstances they experienced, I believed them — and I asked clarifying questions from there.

It shocked me how many times I heard them say…

“Oh, my god. Thank you. I thought I was going crazy.”

… or …

“Thank you. No one believed me, and I thought I was making this up.”


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