How Do You Know If You’re Clairsentient?









It’s time for another Psychic Sunday!


This week is all about clairsentience! This is one of my favorites because it’s MY psychic style! So I love to talk about it.

Check out the video below to see if you’re clairsentient AND how to develop it!

Do YOU have a tip or technique to develop clairsentience? Leave a comment!

See you next week.



  1. Nicole says:

    When I start thinking and sort questions out in my mind; my ears will ring, sensation on certain parts of the head, or I feel a throb in gums and teeth for minute. That is new to me. I like to think it is part of being clairsentience, instead of health related issues. 🙂

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      It’s definitely clairsentience! Also, the fact that you feel it in your gums, sensations on certain parts of the head and ears is letting you know it has to do with the throat and brow chakras! That’s awesome!

      1. Nicole says:

        I hate to sound stupid, but I never relate it to chakras. I will definitely read more about it. Thanks.

        1. Erin-Ashley says:

          No worries! The throat chakra has to do with communication. It has 3 layers. How connected you are to your own personal truth (layer 1), how willing you are to communicate your truth to others (layer 2) and how effectively you DO communicate your truth to others. This is located in the throat and the associated color is blue. The brow chakra has to do with intuition and psychic phenomena. It also has three “layers.” Layer 1 has to do with whether you are receiving intuitive info, layer 2 is whether you correctly understand the intuitive info you receive and layer 3 is how well you act on and trust that intuitive info. It’s associated color is purple. 🙂

  2. Sandy says:

    I am claisentient and do feel but I’m also very empathic -when I go in public I pick up everyone’s crap,problems, pain,suffering in my solar plexus and Experience it physically, Even though I put protection around myself 3-4 ways but it still doesn’t help and then I’m ill for days do I clear myself from other peoples issues that I pickup and how do I Prevent it from happening all the time?? It just happens unvoluntarily I don’t purposely do it but when I am actually meditating and wants to psychicly see or visualise then it doesn’t happen.. what am I doing wrong? can you pls help as I suffer With a lot of physical diseases and in and out of hospital but then I get this on top and I can’t differentiate between the two… I’ve tried clearing myself with white, green healing light and blue protection but nothing works pls can you help?? Xx cud u send me advise privately via email pls.. Thank u Luv Xx

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Hi Sandy,

      For more info about being an Empath, check out these resources:

      These are the most powerful tools I’ve found for feeling good, empowered and healthy as an Empath.

      Best of luck,

  3. maddie says:

    When I’m alone half the time I hear someone calling my name.
    Then I will go back to what I was doing and hear it again. What is it?

  4. keith allen says:

    hi-I have the real POWER HOLY.I can feel every plant animal and person-all day.Its a Buzzzzzzzzzzzzz-mostly male.and a ZIzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz female often-To begin this ,you ask , Did you have any dreams ?Seeing the future(like that)Then I give the person a heavy duty blessed item with a buzzz so strong(or not for me).I tell the person to feel over the item and wait to feel the a vibration.This may begin the tips of the fingers .The lightest feel i get(from a non seerer or a negative.My family is full of them, the follow my powers for life times.I am a Heaven born -one the world waits for.But few can see.Because i’m in the nation of my birth.I GAVE PEG-Interferon to the world in Rockerfeller Institute feb 1989-It was I who stopped the Grand central Poison gas attack on new york city.My miracles are many-God calls me ADAM-I am back.with all my holy powers from my times in heaven

  5. Sam Smith says:

    Hi. I have clairsentience to another person when I feel affection,love,with that person. Very strong clear images of the variety of emotions involved. I told my friends,that I know how she feels.I think it freaked get out a bit.

  6. Yanling says:

    I have A question, why did I feel a heavy sensation for the option that I wanted to pick ? Instead the one I didn’t want to pick felt lighter ….Maybe cause it might be less stressful than the one I picked cause they are both jobs. Yet when I asked my guides the one that came up was still the one that felt heavier and gave me a bigger headache lol…. I always get sensations from the head and throat nowadays. Like since a year back…. it’s painful to feel during meditation or even when I’m just thinking about something. Sometimes when I tell myself to relax the stronger the sensations gets. Is this a resistance from my subconscious or from my body? Even though I don’t want to resist? Does that even make sense haha. Any answers would be deeply appreciated Thanks!

  7. Dawna says:

    Aug 10/18 This one is a bit different from the first two. While I wholly believe I am clairsentient, I don’t have many of the “sign posts”. For example, yes, I get physical reactions from universal truths be they goose bumps, shivers, warming sensations on my arms, etc… however I don’t move around or fidget a lot. I am nearly always in motion but not because I feel the need to be.

    As an aside, I don’t know if perhaps this ties in with empathy, but I frequently feel others’ moods. Another thing, my tactile sense is very sensitive so I love to touch and feel things and I recognize energies through touch. Is that clairsentience as well?

  8. Iruksi Wimaladharama says:

    I do mindful meditation. I recently experienced very bad situation. I do not k ow if I am under psychic attack. I Hear voices . Sometimes they are good and kind sometimes they are very abusive. Get me to do things. I didnt know how to deal with them I ended up in an involuntary psychological assessment facility for 3 days. I was diagnosed as delusional psychosis episode. I never had any mental issues. I still hear voices I cant tell anyone because none will believe me or think I have mental disorder. I also started seing visions. I can feel lots of body sensations. Specially when I meditate. I feel tightening around my head and other body areas . Some of these sensations are so intimate . The voices are threatening me that they are raping me from 8nside out. I was not allowed to sleep I am woken up when I am asleep. Somehow I started to not listened to them. I play budhist chanting all night which helps me sleep better.
    There is always one vice which tells me good things, guide me to do good things . Other voices are very rude and negative. Can you give me some advice? I am very religious. Do you think I am under psychic attack of some sort?
    Or, is this some sort of test before getting the gift of clairvoyant etc? I have no one fo ask about these and I cannot fathom what is going on with me. I hope you will be able to give me some insight.
    Thank you for your wonderful you tube video information regarding these topics.

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