How to Connect with Your Spirit Guides and Angels

Being able to consciously contact and commune with my spirit guides and angels is one of the biggest blessings in my life. If I have a question, a concern or anything else that is on my mind that I would like divine guidance on, it’s invaluable to be able to go right to my team and talk it over.

Luckily, this isn’t a skill that only a special few possess. You can do this, too.

It’s a skill; it’s not some magical power that only a few people have. There is no elite. Everyone has access to their team, and if you’d like to connect with yours, here’s how.

1. Set the intention

Like any other skill that you would like to have, deciding that you want to develop the ability to connect with your team is the most crucial step. Without this step, well, you’re not gonna go anywhere now are you? And why would you? You aren’t committed.

So if you want to connect with your guides and angels, decide that you will connect with them.

2. Meditate

When it comes to developing any part of your intuition, meditation is crucial. It helps you clear mental clutter, release old energies and baggage, and raise your vibration. When you are clear of these things, it’s a heck of a lot easier to get accurate and vivid intuitive information.

If you’re new to meditation or simply haven’t done it much, it’s surprisingly simple. Sit in a quiet place (or lie down, if you prefer) and focus on your breathing. Focus on the in breath. The out breath. Your mind will wander, and when you notice the mind wandering, gently bring your focus back to your breathing. If you like, you can imagine breathing in healing white light, and breathing out negativity or stress.

For beginners, I recommend doing this for just 5 minutes, because it can be frustrating at the beginning when you notice how much your mind jumps from thought to thought to thought.

Once you get to a point where you can meditate for 15 minutes fairly easily (read: without giving into the desire to check your facebook, your cell phone or your email), then you can move onto the next step.

3. Raise your vibration

When I go to connect with my guides and angels, I first raise my vibration to state of peace, love and joy. Learning to tap into these emotions consciously is one of the skills I recommend for developing the ability to talk with your guides. There are many ways to do this, and I encourage you to explore a few and find the ones that work for you.

A few that are powerful:

  • Meditate on love. Imagine love surrounding you and filling you up. FEEL it in every cell of your body, in your spirit and allow anything that is not love to drop out of your awareness.
  • Go on a gratitude rampage. Spend 15-20 minutes stating everything you’re grateful for in your life. Write it down and feel the feelings of appreciation for each item and person you list. If you’re feeling especially awesome, do it out loud and with conviction.
  • Take a trip down memory lane. Spend 15-20 minutes thinking of all the super awesome things that have happened in your life. Think of the moments when you felt the most connected, the happiest, and the most alive. Remember what that was like. Relive it as vividly as you can.

With practice, getting to a high vibration can be very quick and easy. It doesn’t have to take long, and the better you get at it, the easier it is to get from your normal state to the love state.

4. Connect!

Once you’re in a high vibration, you can ask your guides questions or for guidance. Sometimes I write mine down before I start this process. Sometimes I just ask whatever is on my heart. There’s no wrong way to do this. Once you’ve asked the question, allow the answer to come to you. It may come as a visual, a thought, a memory, a sound or simply a knowing.

Be open to however the answer appears. You may or may not mentally see them or even hear them, but they are there and they are giving you answers. There is no need to control how the answers come to you, just let them arise.

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One comment

  1. Ashley says:

    Good advice!

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