Your Team on the Other Side

Did you know that you have an entire team of beings on the other side whose sole job and mission is to help you? Well, you do.

When I’m working with my coaching clients, I will connect with my own team and theirs to see what they need in order to develop their intuitions. I also ask what exercises they recommend and what (if anything) is blocking my clients. Even though I’m a solopreneur, I have a team of beings that help me with my tasks.

When I’m not working, I spend at least 30 minutes a day with my team, asking questions, hanging out and occasionally being trained. I find all of that fun and it breathes life into… my life.

Am I special or lucky to have this team? I certain consider myself blessed to have the wonderful team that I do, but no. I’m not “special” or “lucky.”

You have a team, too.

Everyone does.

So, who’s on it?

Introducing: Your Team

Spirit Guides

Quite frankly, spirit guides rock. They are the beings on the other side who nudge you certain directions, who give you a “good” or “bad” feeling about a project or person, and who are helping to arrange the people you need to meet in order to learn the lessons you need to learn and accomplish the things you want to accomplish. Most people have between 1 and 3 spirit guides at any given time, though it’s not uncommon to have more, everybody has at least one.

Life-long Spirit Guides

Some spirit guides are with you for your entire life. You both “signed” an energetic contract before you incarnated and they are here for the entire time that you are living. From birth until death, they’ve got your back.

Temporary Guides

Some spirit guides are with you for a short while, or only temporarily. They may be there for a particular project or life lesson.

When I was going through my illness with Addison’s Disease, before I was diagnosed, I had a guide there every step of the way. She helped me take action and was a very loving guide during that time. Once I was diagnosed, she still hung around for a while (and she’s still there if I call on her), but she has moved on, since that chapter of my life is done.

Specialized Guides

Specialized guides are the guides who have very specific purposes. This is more than simply a temporary guide, but is a guide who has a specific set of instructions, either from you or perhaps from your spirit guides, about what their role is and how to do it.

An example of this is my conduit guide, Sarah. Her job is to help me connect during my readings while preserving my physical and spiritual energy as much as possible. This way I can do more readings for more people more quickly and feel better once I’m done. It’s a win all around.

There are other specialized guides, too. They will show up when someone needs special help or training in an area.


I think of angels as our ethereal protectors. They are both loving and fierce, simultaneously, and I absolutely love them. If you’re going through a rough time, like a nasty break up or the death of a loved one, they surround you with love and healing energy. If you’re being attacked energetically or psychically, these are the beings that help you get grounded again and safe from that nasty energy.

To Sum up

You have a team on the other side, and they’ve got your back! Stay tuned next week to see how you can connect with them to get the guidance they can provide.

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  1. Elise says:

    This post was really cool.

    When I was younger I used to alllllways talk to my ‘team on the other side’, I got so much out of it and literally helped me get through a lot of stuff.

    In my later years though, I haven’t done it all that much. I’m not sure why, hmmmm maybe I should get back into it!

    Thank you for the lovely post Erin-Ashley.

    Elise 🙂
    The Inner Vibrance Project

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Thanks for stopping by, Elise!It’s just as easy for us to do it as adults, if we create the plan and the space for it.

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