How to Align with Your Soul Purpose

The soul purpose of everyone on the planet is the same, once you get to the core. It’s to experience enlightenment. The goal of every life and every experience is to bring light into the darkness and unknown. We are here to learn, grow and to teach.

In every single interaction with others we are learning, growing and teaching.

We are ALL teachers.

We can learn using anger or by using love, but in the end we will learn and grow. The difference is that anger is a slower way to learn and to grow than love or joy.


Six Common Types of Psychic Attacks

In my work I’ve found that there are six common types of psychic attacks. In the video below I’ll talk about what they are, how to prevent them and how to deal with it when you’re under attack.

I have to admit, in general I’m not a fan of these discussions because I think they trigger fear in a lot of people. The purpose of this video is to inform you AND to give you the basic tools you need so that you don’t experience “ick” when working with energy.


How to Change Your Life With Energy Pt 2

This process will allow you to work with pre-matter to more directly create the life and results that you want, as well as easily remove energetic blocks and stuck energy.

The Energetic Matrix is the non-physical realm that is devoid of the “clothing” or impressions that you use to perceive it. When you get a psychic vision, the vision is a construct within the Energetic Matrix. The Energetic Matrix is the formless space that allows the message to appear or manifest from the non-physical into a form that the physical body can receive and comprehend.


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