Psychic Sunday – Intuition vs. Instinct

It’s not exactly a secret that I love figuring out how things work. Like, I super love it.

One thing that’s been fascinating me recently is the concept of what part of our experience is due to these meat suits we’re wearing and what part is because we’re spiritual beings?

Where’s that line? I’m continuing to explore it on my own, but today I’m covering one portion of that exploration: Intuition vs. Instinct.

What’s the difference and how is it useful in every day life?

I answer that in today’s Psychic Sunday video.


How Resentment Clouds Your Intuition

Resentment = sucky.

It makes you feel bad, lowers your vibration and it clouds your intuition.

It clouds your intuition in a few ways, including…

  • creating a block to receiving information from the intuition
  • distorting intuitive information
  • misdirecting your focus

In this episode of Psychic Sunday, I talk about how resentment clouds your intuition aaaaaaand the magic “f” word that can fix it.

Watch the video and comment below!


Rev. Kerti


Psychic Mechanics – Key 3: Trusting and Acting on Info

Information with out action is useless. Harsh? Maybe, but it’s true. If we go to all the trouble of receiving an intuitive nudge and interpreting it to the best of our ability, our next focus is to act on it and trust the universe and ourselves.

I call this the Golden Key of intuitive development.

Think about it. Haven’t you had an intuitive hit once, a nudge or a clear sign, and then *didn’t* act on it and things went sideways? Like a relationship you knew you needed to drop, but didn’t.


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