How Solar Flares Impact You as a Sensitive Person

The activity on the sun’s surface can impact how you feel as a sensitive person. When there’s a solar flare, you may feel off or have a headache.

Click the video below to learn about the solar flares and how they could be impacting you (and what to do about it.)

If you would like to get updates about solar flares and geomagnetic storms as they happen, click here.

If you’ve been impacted by the solar flares OR have a question about them, drop it below. I’ll be happy to answer it (if I have an answer.)


  1. Venus Aviv says:

    I have felt off for sure. Headache, nausea, tummy cramps. Could it be from solar flare and not stomach flu?

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      I couldn’t say for sure, but it definitely could be the solar flares. Some people get nausea from them. Either way, intense self-care is always a good idea! The solar flare symptoms tend to mirror physiological stress, so if you get nausea when stressed, that’s probably how the flares will show up for you. Hope you feel better soon, Venus!

  2. Rachel says:

    Wow. I knew that on the 20th there was going to be something going on. Thankfully I didn’t feel most of the things described or at least safe guarded myself ahead of time. Only thing that did happen was I suddenly woke in the middle of the night, but yay! Great video. Glad to know the website so I can keep preparing ahead of time for these things. Thanks.

  3. Grace says:

    I’m not really sure if this is the same thing but if there is a bad storm or earthquake or any other thing like that I get unimaginable headaches in the middle of my forehead and when there was the eclipse I had a terrible migraine that simple wouldn’t go and felt quite sick. Could this be connected? I don’t know how to make it stop and whenever this happens I can’t consintrate and can’t atop thinking that there is a storm or an earthquake somewhere. Is this just a coincidence? Thanks

  4. Sheri Petersen says:

    I have felt ALL these symptoms listed…headache killing me! I do not take pain medicine so…hoping it subsides asap. Thank you again Erin…you ROCK!

  5. ATW says:

    My life has been like a fart the last few days, so this explains a lot. Super tired and constantly moody.

  6. Leslie a says:

    Hello and Thank you for your insight.
    I don’t think I can take another solar storm. Yesterday ( 4-24-21 and ( 4-17-21), were to tough to handle. I get soooo sick. Vomiting, swollen eyes, tremendous body and head pain. The pain on a scale of 1-10 is an 11; and that’s just the g-class. I can’t even begin to explain the M classes. Death maybe.
    Doctors, are a joke. The only thing i can do is put my head underwater for a minute of less pain. I can’t take x rays, get overexposed. I’m sure I’m not alone, but feels like it. Any advice for a walking anomaly; old soul sensitive star seed?

  7. Ruby says:

    I get migraines which are super wired cause I swear they send me into other places. But my body will feel like it’s being pulled by a giant magnet . My chest gets tight I can’t breathe I get confused anxious agitated. My heart skips a beat and I jump it’s like a jolt of electricity. My legs get heavy I get like stiff. If it’s not this then I’m dying of something. I’ve never I shouldn’t say never I’ve had anxiety and panic attacks, but this is new to me . I don’t want to go outside sometimes . Then energy is everywhere.

    1. Alex Harrel says:

      I have the same weird symptoms and more. Continuous fatigue, numbness in legs and top of arms. Feels like I have a concrete skullcap on. Spinal pain, muscle spasms. Drinking LOT of water is the only thing that helps

  8. Dani says:

    So I was told this flare that’s happening now is a Kp7? I’ve felt like crap the last few days, nausea, low energy upset stomach the works. Today though I’m relaxed and calm. Someone mentioned that the energy level that we are experiencing is what my body operates at and that is why i feel calm. Is this correct?

  9. Stephanie says:

    Monday April 11th I felt a sudden overwhelm of extreme exhaustion even though I had gotten a good nights rest the night before. It wasn’t till the next day I heard the solar storm happened, I figured it was some to do with the Schumann resonance. Anyway Tuesday was like that as well but also had a migraine. Wednesday and Thursday as well, on and off. The headache is getting stronger this evening the 14th when the storm is expected to reach the earth.
    I feel this is what is causing it but I also don’t want to assume. I was curiously if anyone else who is HSP or empathic has been feeling like this as well

  10. Shannon Marie says:

    The above audio is comforting in the sense of making me feel like I’m not crazy. My reactions to solar activity which I first thought we’re only to flares has been extreme. For example: yesterday I had a fever off and on but figured I was fighting something off. But at around 1Am PST my head started screaming. It’s like a smoke detector in my head. Excruciatingly loud and comes with nausea and distress.
    When I checked report the solar flares activity is low so far but expected to increase. But there was:

    SOLAR TSUNAMI AND CME: Sunspot AR3060 exploded during the early hours of July 21st (0100 UT), producing a C5-class solar flare and a solar tsunami.

    I had a similar reaction which the last big sun spot exploded. I went from sound asleep to massive pain and alarm .
    The Ysunami part is new for me.

    Dies anyone else have response to such occurnaces? And from this there will be flares

  11. Joe says:

    I feel like I am having a heart attack when the larger m and x class flares hit….also when the solar wind speedos high or the hemispheric power is high I feel the same… I have started taking magnesium in hopes it will lessen the negative effects….. Is there any protective measures I can take from these sensitivities???

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