Are You Hearing Your Guides?

“Erin-Ashley?” A student in one of my classes approached me hesitantly, “I can’t hear my guides. I meditate. I ask my question, and nothing comes. What’s wrong with me?”

I wish I could say this is an uncommon concern among my students and clients, but I find an overwhelming majority of people believe they can’t hear their guides, and far worse, that something is wrong with them.

So let me start off by saying, unequivocally, that if you are having trouble hearing your guides, there is absolutely nothing wrong with you.

It’s normal, and there are three main causes.

  1. Expectations
  2. Vibration
  3. Blocking

1. Expectations

This is, by far, the most common reason people think they can’t hear their guides.

Imagine that you expect the guides will send you an image, but instead they are sending you a feeling.

You wait and wait for an image, but you receive nothing.

Or so it appears.

The problem is that you may be looking for where the answer ISN’T. If you’re getting a feeling,  but you’re not looking for it, then it’s easy to miss it and think that you’re not getting any information.

Tip #1: Stay open to all that you’re experiencing after asking your question. Especially if you don’t understand it at first.

Usually whatever comes into your awareness IS the answer you’re looking for.

If you ask about your finances, and see a dirty red blob, because it doesn’t look as you expect you might dismiss it. But if you simply record it, then ask what you associate with the color red, then with the dirty part, then you’ll easily find your answer.

If you ask about your relationships, and you feel tension in your throat, record this, then ask what you associate with your throat (for most people it’s communication), and then ask where the tension is in your communications.

2. Vibration

Another common reason for not being able to experience your guides is a low vibration.

You can think of the relationship to your guides and vibration like a building.

The building floors represent the vibrations you can experience.

Your guides and angels tend to live on the top floor, and are in a high vibration. Let’s say they are on floor 20, which represents happiness, contentment and peace.

If you are on level 2, anger and resentment, then even if you are asking your guides for something, they can’t get to you because of the distance between your vibrations. That’s 18 floors. Could you hear a person yelling down at you from 18 floors?

Unlikely, and even if you could hear them, could you understand them? Not without great effort, at the absolute least.

Tip #2: Raise your vibration.

Do something you love. Meditate. Play with a kitten or puppy. Talk to a loved one. Make a list of all the wonderful things in your life. Listen to your favorite music.

It really doesn’t matter what you do to raise your vibration, it just matters that you raise it.

3. Blocking

On occasion, we may block our guides’ information because we aren’t ready for it.

Maybe experiencing them clearly would mean we would have to take action on that business idea, or we’d finally have to write that book.

Maybe we’d have to grow and realize that a person or circumstance actually served us in a way, and so we wouldn’t be able to hold on to the anger.

Quite frankly, there are a lot of reasons we block answers, but it boils down to fear. We are afraid that the answer will mean change (because, it usually does) and change can be scary.

It’s normal.

It’s human.

And there’s actually nothing to be afraid of.

Tip #3: Dialogue with the guides.

Instead of simply getting information, go into a full dialogue with your guides. When you get an answer from them, and it causes fear, tell them what you’re afraid of and why.

Explain where you’re at to the best of your ability.

This opens up a discussion and they can usually guide you through the fear and back into empowerment and courage.

Plus, it allows you to really open up and develop trust with the guides.

A side note: The guides may or may not use words to dialogue with you. Be open to feelings, thoughts, images, song lyrics, or whatever you DO experience.

Your subconscious does the translating, so if your subconscious works better with feelings, you’ll get feelings.

Be open to however it looks to you, and simply dialogue with whatever manifests for you.


Do you have any tips or tricks for hearing your guides? Share in the comments!



  1. Erin says:

    Thank you, Erin, for this great summary of interpreting our connection with our spirit guides. I have struggled with the belief that I am not able to get consistent, reliable communication, so why bother? I get waves of information coming through in visual, written or audible form intermittently. But the way you explain it, I see that I actually AM receiving constant guidance, I just am not perceiving it as such. Example: I cried for an entire day after returning from my first vacation in 5 years and even considered medical help to stop crying (very unusual for me). What was the message? I need to take breaks from work more frequently than every 5 years No Matter What, and that I need to work toward changing my situation. Now when I get an inkling of inner voice telling me to “go to the park” while I’m working, I try to listen to that and take a brief break whenever possible. I now believe those little things we might dismiss as urges or just daydreams are indeed guidance from our guides. Blessings to you.

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Thank you for sharing, Erin! Sometimes we simply need to release, and crying is the best way to do that. You definitely deserve a vacation more than once every 5 years!
      In love and light,

  2. Ashish says:

    Hi Erin I want to ask u abt something…is this spirit guide you are talking about connected to GOD?

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Hi Ashish,

      Of course! Guides were “born” from God, just like everyone and everything else.

      Sending love!

  3. Nikki says:

    I know I am late on this post. For me I was worried that I was going mentally insane, as if they are voices in your head. 🙂 I know I am not alone in the concern that it may be a form of schizophrenia. I am no way calling out others that, but just worried if you or others you knew had that concern?

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Oh, yes. I was very worried I was schizophrenic when it was simply being energy sensitive. That’s not true for everyone, for sure. There are serious mental disorders, but being energetically sensitive is not the same and sensitive people often FEEL like they have a disorder simply because they experience voices, energies, etc. Most people I coached have had that concern at some point or another. It’s very common as an energetically sensitive person. Feeling that way is normal and doesn’t mean you’re mentally insane in the least. 😉

  4. nikki says:

    Pheeeew…Thanks. Nobody wants to think or be considered mentally insane. lol.

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      You’re welcome. <3

  5. kathleen says:

    Hello Erin, I have always had feelings or thoughts before something would happen but have often ignored it. Recently I have had 3 thoughts and soon after I would understood why I had them. One involved my neighbor, one my daughter, and one involved the daughter of a long time friend of my mother’s. It is not always clear what the message is, am I right to assume that there is a connection when there seems to be a coincidence between the thought and then the situation? I hope this is clear 🙂

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Hi Kathleen! Your intuition is like a radio receiver, so if you “tune in” to your neighbor, your daughter or anyone else, sometimes you’ll pick up information regarding them. There is always a connection, and we all have access to it, though some of us can “hear” it more easily than others.


      1. kathleen says:

        Thank you Erin-Ashley for your response. What happens to me is I have a thought, visual, or a feeling and then it is not until something happens that I am aware of the connection. I will give you one example, I was listening to a song by Jim Morrison, it reminded me of a family that we were really close to when we were younger, and I thought about how they would visit and spend a week with us, and what a great time we had together, within an hour one of the family members who we haven’t seen in years told me that they will be visiting one of my brother’s over the christmas holidays. I guess what I am saying is I don’t always recognize that it is a message, or I don’t know how to read it, or know what it means.

        1. Erin-Ashley says:

          I see! The best way to learn whether it’s intuitive is to practice getting information. You can check out this video I made to teach you how to tune in for specific answers.

          My YouTube channel has a lot of videos with how to guidance on the intuition. I’d encourage you to look into the videos on claircognizance and clairvoyance specifically, because they will help you understand how the information comes to you!


          1. kathleen says:

            Thank you Erin-Ashley, I will take a look 🙂

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