How to Love the Crap Out of Your Life

As humans, we have this weird and fascinating tendency to want to polarize people, events and circumstances. We like to make them “good” and “bad,” “right” and “wrong.”

But does that polarization help us?

Yes, sometimes it does.

The polarization helps us to see what we like and enjoy, as well as what we don’t like and don’t enjoy. It’s offering us contrast so we can decide exactly what is going to serve us in the future.

But the problem is that most of us LIVE in this polarization, without taking the time to identify when labeling something is hurting rather than helping us.

In order to love the crap out of our lives, we have to understand that part of our process is to identify what we want (which polarization is GREAT for), and then love and accept what is (which polarization SUCKS for.)

Use the information you’re getting about what you want to gain clarity. That’s wonderful, amazing and helpful.

Then, once you have clarity, in order to get what you desire, accept and love what is in your experience now. If you don’t like a situation and you are clear that you would rather not experience that situation again, then appreciate the situation for allowing you to see this clearly.

Love the situation for showing you your truth.

Honor the situation for being a kind and loving teacher.

Love yourself for any emotions you may have about the situation, whether they are pleasant or unpleasant.

Honor yourself for your emotional process. Honor that you are having an emotional reaction because that is the process of unfoldment and of gaining clarity.

Love every aspect of the situation as fiercely as you can, and the crappy parts of the experience will disappear.

If you make this a practice, you will love the crap out of your life.

You will no longer dislike the experiences that allow you to gain clarity AND you will enjoy all the wonderful new experiences that are coming into your life.

This is simple, but don’t mistake simple for easy.

We’ve been told that holding on to the anger, the frustration and all parts of the experience we don’t enjoy will somehow protect us from repeating the experience.

The exact opposite is true. So, as you try this new process, be gentle and loving with yourself.

What crap are you going to love out of your life? Share in the comments!

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