The Most Ridiculous Lie You’ve Been Told About Your Intuition

This is the question that when I get it, I cringe internally. Not because the person asking it is stupid or gullible, but because this ridiculous lie has been touted so much in the intuition development world that a lot of people have heard it, and it’s 100% bullshit.

“Erin Ashley, I’ve heard that your first thought or feeling about a situation is your intuition talking to you.”


Your first thought or feeling about a person or situation is your first thought or feeling about a situation.


It is not manna from the psychic heavens; it is not always your intuition, and basing your entire life on your first thought or reaction to things is dangerous.

Part of the reason that it bothers me to see others believe this lie is because I was once taken in by the same lie.

I had read that my first thought or reaction was likely my intuition, and so I started living my life based on that, and here’s what I discovered.

  1. I was unhappy.
  2. I had a LOT more drama in my life.
  3. I was less productive.
  4. I didn’t feel as good, physically, mentally or spiritually.

This is the exact OPPOSITE of what happens when I’m really living and following my intuition.

Why it’s a Lie

Have you ever had a bad experience with someone, and then you find that you judge people that remind you of that person? I have. And guess what, I’d usually judge them in a gut reaction, first thought kind of way. I wasn’t trying to be mean or judgmental, but the thought or emotional reaction would simply come up in my experience.

What if you decide that the judgment or emotional reaction is your intuition? You’re judging the person AND justifying doing so without taking the time to really SEE the person for who they are.

When you jump into and uncritically believe whatever thought or emotional reaction you are experiencing, you miss so much of the information that’s coming to you.

That’s not to say that your first thought or feeling is ALWAYS wrong, either. The intuition simply doesn’t work like that. WE don’t work like that.

Sometimes the first thought or feeling is a response that we have been conditioned to have. Sometimes the first thought or feeling is the intuition trying to communicate a message to help us make a better decision.

So… What is Real Intuition?

There are a few key secrets to knowing the difference between mind chatter and real intuitive guidance.

  1. When you think about taking action on the feeling or thought, do you feel more peace and happiness or less? If you feel less peace and less happiness when you’re contemplating acting on it, it’s not your intuition.
  2. If it’s a thought that is very negative, it’s not your intuition. It’s programming. Intuitive guidance NEVER belittles you or makes you feel like crap about yourself. It may show you areas where you can improve, but it’s not going to tell you that you’re a bad person for not acting in the ideal way in every situation. Nor is it going to condemn someone else for the same thing.
  3. Is it still or busy? When you think the thought or have the emotional reaction, does it feel still and centered, or does it feel busy and like it’s going everywhere. If it’s still and centered, it’s likely your intuitive guidance. If it’s busy, that’s mind chatter. Take a few moments to get still, and check in again.

What about you? Have you been told this lie? Do you disagree with me? Discuss in the comments!

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  1. donna engel says:

    I like the way you explain it. And when you put it thatits easy to understand. LOL, I never thought about asking that question, but I’m glad you brought it up! 🙂

  2. Rocco says:

    Great Article!

    It helped connect the dots for me! Great Stuff!

  3. colby says:

    i can understand where you are but maybe im different, ive posted before on your articles.

    when i meet people i know them or at least there intent, i know this because i always ignored it thinking like you do that i just might be something unrelated but it always turns around and bites me int the butt, i met a friend a couple of months before anything happened and the first glance told me he was a thief, little did i realize i left 100 dollars in my room where he just happened to peek into for some odd reason, of course i had no proof it was him but he was the only person i had let into the house.
    another time i met somebody and my first feeling was druggy, he didn’t look it, he looked preppy like he was getting ready for Harvard, he didn’t smell like weed or have that shady look or anything, but couple days later he tried to sell me some drugs, now i know how he is paying for school.
    this kind of thing always happen but i don’t want to misjudge somebody so i try to ignore it unless its screaming danger.
    i guess im lucky in that way that i can distinguish intuition from first thought/judgement

    1. Erin-Ashley says:

      Your experience isn’t completely uncommon for someone who is highly tuned into their intuition, although it is uncommon for the “general public,” for lack of a better term. You seem to naturally and effortlessly be able to tell the difference between your intuition and normal thought patterns, which is wonderful!

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