How Meditation Helps Us With Our Intuition

It seems like meditation is a hot topic nowadays. It’s in scientific news, and it’s becoming more mainstream and widely accepted everyday. But what is it and how can we use it to hone and develop our intuition?

What is meditation?

Meditation is nothing more than focused thought or focused non-thought. It’s the practice of directing your awareness. There are many types of meditation out there, many ways to direct your thoughts and awareness. We can practice what is called “no-mind meditation” where we become aware of nothingness and attempt to stop all thoughts.  This can be difficult for beginners, so usually if someone wants to practice no-mind meditation, they usually start with simply becoming aware of thoughts as they pass, or directing the focus to the breath and follow the breath in and out.  We can also focus our awareness on our intentions to give them energy and momentum.

The benefits of meditation are far reaching and numerous. Meditating can increase blood flow to the brain, decrease anxiety, decrease the stress hormone cortisol, decreases blood pressure, and regular meditation can even rewire the brain so that it is healthier and functions with more clarity and focus. Besides the significant health benefits from meditation, a regular practice taps into source and helps us become our best selves effortlessly and easily.

How can meditation help with our intuition’s development?

Removes mental clutter and static

Experts have estimated that we have up to 60,000 thoughts a day. Of those 60,000 thoughts, 95% of them are the exact same thoughts we had yesterday. That means, we have approximately 57,000 automatic thoughts that we have not consciously chosen every single day. These 57,000 thoughts that we aren’t consciously choosing are nothing more than mental clutter and static. They obscure our ability to perceive things clearly.

Our intuition is rarely something loud and overwhelming, unless our lives are getting to a critical point where serious emotional, physical, or spiritual damage is about to be done. It’s usually quiet and unassuming. It’s a whisper, a light feeling of expansion or contraction. When we have the volume up on our thoughts, there is no way we can properly tune into the intuitive information that we are getting. Think of a still pond for a moment. We can look at the surface of this still pond and see an exact reflection of ourselves. If we throw a rock into the pond, all of a sudden we have ripples that make it impossible to see our reflections. If we throw several rocks into the pond, the ripples they both make start interacting and interfering with each other. This is like our mind. When it is still, we have accurate sight and awareness. When there is a thought, there is a ripple, and the accuracy of what we perceive is compromised. As there are more thoughts, more ripples, it becomes more difficult to tell which thought caused which ripples and the awareness is all but impossible.

Meditation allows us to direct our conscious awareness and we learn how to slow and stop the unnecessary thoughts that bombard us day in and day out. Our mind becomes stiller, quieter, and our intuition appears to be louder and clearer because we have removed the excess noise that was interfering with our ability to perceive our intuition.

Meditating takes us to source

When we let go of all the mental clutter, all the ideas of who we are and what we should be doing in the moment, we are letting go of all the things that are not us. If we can let go of it, it is something outside of our selves that we are holding onto. Thoughts and feelings can be let go of because WE are not thoughts and feelings. We may experience them, but experiencing a thought or feeling and being a thought or feeling are two completely different concepts.

Meditating allows us to let go of everything that is not who we really are, and sit with our Selves. When we tune out what is not us and tune into who we really are, we are tuning into the divine, source energy from which we came.  This source energy is the same place where the intuition comes from. When we spend time daily with source energy and reconnect with our true selves, it’s much easier to identify our intuition from the mental clutter because we’ve spent enough time with ourselves to know the difference between our clutter and who we really are.

If you haven’t meditated in a while, try a simple 5 minute meditation where all you do is sit and become aware of your breath. Thoughts can dissolve, and if for some reason you find yourself following your thoughts instead of your breath, gently bring your awareness back to your breath.

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