Protecting Your Energy: A 4 Step Process

Negativity is one of those aspects of life we try to avoid. Now, I’m not saying negativity is pleasant, but I do believe it serves a purpose. Without negativity you cannot have positivity. It’s about polarity. You can’t have one without the other, and I want to caution you to keep in mind that negativity is neither good nor bad. That being said, most people I know – including myself – prefer to experience peace and happiness as opposed to any negative emotion. I hope to teach you a technique that will do just that.

The primary reason I recommend maintaining positivity is because we are all conduits. We have access to information that if we were to stop and think about it, it’s positively amazing that we do have this information. The amount of information we can remember and store in our minds is breath-taking, to say the least, and if you’re of the New Age bent, like me, then you also believe you have access to information far beyond what our amazing brains can contain. It’s nice to be able to access this information at any time, right? Yes. I agree. Glad we’re on the same page.

The best way to do this is to stay in a flow of positivity, of happiness, and peace. In my experience, there is a very effective 4 Step Process that allows you to do just that, and if you are in a positive place, you cannot at the same time be in a negative place.

The 4 Step Process

Step 1: Connect to source. If you pray or meditate, then this will probably be self-explanatory. You want to get into a high vibration, and get to a place where you feel happy and peaceful. The happier and more peaceful you feel, the better.

Step 2: Feel the source or energy within you. Make sure you take a few moments to really feel this before you go on to Step 3. You don’t want to rush it.

Step 3: Allow it to expand around you. If you are visually inclined, you can imagine it as a light expanding around you and enveloping you in the peace and happiness. Or you can simply feel it expand. Use what works for you.

Step 4: Decide how big your circle is going to be. There are some people who can blanket an entire room with this energy easily, but the larger the circle, the more conscious control you have to have. If you have never done this before, start with just a foot around you and once you’ve mastered this level you can expand it if you so choose.

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