Intuitive’s Toolbox

Imagine a world where EVERYONE had access to the information that allowed them to tap into their intuition, for free.

Imagine what would happen if everyone who was interested in developing this life-changing skill could develop it easily.

That’s the world I dream of everyday, and that’s the world that I’m creating… with your help.

Welcome to my toolbox.

This is the best, most comprehensive list of tools that I use in my business to help my coaching clients tune into their intuitions.

With these tools and my coaching, my clients have experienced ON AVERAGE a 90% accuracy rate when they tune into another person’s energy by just looking at their photo.

They have learned to master the hardest part of intuition, which is interpretation.

Now, you can, too.

Try these awesome tools out, and if you like them, share them with your friends.

Automatic Writing Exercise

This exercise is great for beginner channelers, for people who want to get in touch with their subconscious knowing and desires, and anyone who wants to explore claircognizance.


Chakra Overview

This is a quick, but thorough, overview of the 7 major chakras and how they manifest in your life. Chakras are what I teach my clients to “see”  in practice readings, and what I look at myself when doing readings for other people.


Common Clairsentient Sensations & Interpretations

This is a great resource for a beginner in interpreting clairsentient information. The truth is that there is no overarching rule book about how to interpret information that works for every single person. It’s about discovering what each piece of intuitive information means to you personally, whether it’s visual, auditory or a physical sensation.

This worksheet will help you see what sensations tend to mean for the person experiencing them and will help guide you to discovering your own unique intuitive code.


Connecting With Love Exercise

The absolute best way to connect with your intuition is to develop your capacity to experience love. Love is the wi-fi to the spiritual realm. It’s what connects you to your guides, your soul’s purpose and your highest good. Every time. There are many ways to connect with love. This is one of them.


Interpreting Visions Process

Interpreting your intuitive experiences accurate is by far the hardest skill to master. But once you do, it’s the skill that will give you more access to information, insight and divine guidance than any other. This process is revolutionary because it guides you through your vision, whether it’s an image you received in a dream or in a meditation, and gets you to the message or moral of it. Once you get to the moral, you’ll have the information you need to act on your intuition with confidence and ease.


Intuitive Modalities

This is an overview of the 4 most common intuitive modalities. Your modality is the way that you most easily receive intuitive information. If you are expecting information to come through visually, and information is actually coming to you through auditory or physical sensations, then it’s easy to believe that you aren’t receiving intuitive information when you’re actually receiving quite a bit. Learn about them and how to tell which one is your primary in this PDF.


Points of Pain Exercise

This exercise helps you find the points of pain in your current experience and find the lessons for your life. The point is to help you find the lessons so you can fully integrate them into your life. Once the lessons are integrated, the pain will dissolve.


Present Moment Awareness Exercise

Learning to be present in the moment allows for increased clarity, it gets you of your head, and it helps you connect with your deepest truth.


Self-Guided Chakra Meditation

The chakra meditation is a great way to reconnect with your chakras and clear them out. This helps you get and stay centered, while opening the chakras so energy flows through you easily and effortlessly.


Self-Guided Garden Meditation

This meditation is great anytime you want to get a message from your intuition or your spirit guides.

It’s a great way to practice connecting to your intuition and you can ask for intuitive guidance in specific ways through this exercise.

If you want to practice clairvoyance, for instance, you can ask for your message to be delivered visually. Or if you want to develop clairaudience, you can ask for your message to be delivered through sound.


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