Deep Release Energy Healing Sessions

Deep Release Energy Healing Sessions are deep energetic work designed to heal the energetic, non-physical roots of issues you are experiencing in your life.

In these 45-minute sessions, I’m doing energy work on your 7 major chakras and focusing on 5 major shifts you’d like to make in your life.

You’ll be on Zoom, relaxed, while I do this.

Here’s what Jacquelynne said about this work.

Erin-Ashley has an amazing gift. Her intuition is off the charts. She works so intimately with your energy…even from thousands of miles away. Her feedback is actionable, approachable, and spot on. Not only will she give you a tune-up, she’ll arm you with tools for continued maintenance and optimal performance. I’m still seeing shifts and confirmations from our session five weeks later. This woman is one of my secret weapons to align with my higher self and I love her dearly. – Jacquelynne Maloney

 What you can expect…

Before the session

  • Feel into this service and whether it’s right for you. If your energy says “YES”, go ahead and book. Once you know it’s right for you, you click the appropriate PayPal button below and enter your payment information. If you’re unsure about whether this is right for you, you can email me at
  • CHOOSE either the  3 “shit” and 3 “wish” items. You can always email me a more in-depth description of the items if you want to and you can change them up until the day of your energy healing.
  • After your payment is confirmed, you’ll get a confirmation email with the details for your calendar.

During the session

  • Show up using the Zoom link provided
  • You save the transcript & recording if you want them
  • I’ll guide you through a relaxation sequence,
  • You’ll relax while I clear your energy. I may ask  you questions or guide you through a visualization if guided
  • At the end of the session, I’ll ground your energy

After the session

  • Drink lots of water and rest
  • 1-7 days after the session – You can reach out to me to ask for energetic support if you feel a glitch or if you have a follow-up question you’d like an answer to. I do any follow-up mini-sessions that need to happen as you integrate the new energies into your life. Sometimes it takes a few minor “tune-ups” for the healing to settle in nicely. This is included, so you’ll stay in contact with me as the shifts settle.

And here’s what Maria said about how her session helped her move past things she was trying to work through for a long time on her own.

This was the most powerful healing I have ever had, and I’m so glad I went with Erin-Ashley.

Her love, warmth and excitement for what she does is really extraordinary. (Plus, she really makes me laugh!)

I honestly don’t think I could have start moving past some of the stuff on my Shit List if it wasn’t for her. I’d been trying to work through it alone for a long time!


I have a 100% money-back guarantee.

If you don’t feel results within 72 hours of the session, I give you all your money back. No worries. No hassle.

There’s nothing to lose, except what no longer serves you.

Sign up for a session, change your life, and start experiencing peace of mind again.

45-Minute Healing Session + Recording + 7-Day Follow-up – $111

  • Full chakra clearing
  • 3 “shit” items that you are ready to LET GO of
  • 3 “wish” items that you are ready to RECEIVE in your life
  • Access to any support materials recommended for you

Click here to see availability and book your 45-minute Deep Release Energy Healing Session now.

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