Ask Armani #9: How to get unblocked

how to get unblocked Every Wednesday, I ask Armani a few questions from Spiritual Mechanic readers.

Armani is the collective consciousness of some non-physical peeps who love vibration and the law of attraction.

Read on to see questions from Spiritual Mechanic readers followed by Armani’s responses.

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Hello Armani 🙂
My question is about my blocks.

Two main things money and my weight/health I feel I am blocked in those two areas and I would love to know what I can do to help myself unblock.

Thank you.


Dearest Kathy,

When we see someone blocked with the body, whether it’s health or weight, we always recommend love for the vessel you are inhabiting – developing a practice of loving the skin you are in. Loving your body for all it does for you, building the skill of appreciating what is working well with it, helps you access gratitude and self-compassion.

Health and healing take place in either the body or the perspective. If your body does not need healing, then your perspective will be healed so that you can enjoy the body more deeply. If the body does need attention and specific care, you will be guided to care for it in the ways that are best for it.

This, in turn, supports your healthy relationship with money. These two are not necessarily unrelated for you – you have an energy to improve both and are focusing on what they are not doing for you rather than all the ways they do support you. Your body breathes for you. The money you have buys you food and shelter (or contributes in some other way to your material comfort and safety.)

Honor what is working well with both the body and your finances. Honor the good. Allow the right healing (perspective or physical) to filter through.


I have had a tough time trying to propel forward in my business which is also linked to my current relationship.

I would love any guidance with this.

Thank you,

Dearest Maggie,

When you find yourself forcing forward movement, it’s a good time to slow down and give yourself gentle, self-compassion. Where are you withholding love and compassion from yourself? Where can you give yourself more love and compassion? Where can you honor your desire to simply be for a little bit before moving forward again?

Force is unnecessary. Self-compassion will give you the strength to move forward in divine timing.



That’s it for today!

Armani chooses a handful of questions to answer each week.

We publish Armani’s responses every Wednesday.

Click here to learn more about Armani.

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    Check back in on Wednesdays to see if your question was one that Armani answered.

    If you’d like to ensure you do receive guidance from Armani about your specific situation, you can book a reading with Armani and have your question answered.

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