Confidence is NOT Invulnerability

Confidence. It’s NOT being some rock of emotional stability and invulnerability.

In August I had the incredibly exciting experience of needing to go to the emergency room for tests.

When the doctor explained that we needed to rule out “brain tumor” from the list of illnesses, I broke down and cried and had a mini panic attack. (I’m fine, by the way, the MRI showed I have a VERY sexy brain.)

Some people have decided that this makes me weak.

They’re dead wrong.

Here’s the truth: No matter who you are, you’re going to have triggers.

My maternal grandmother passed away from brain cancer at the age of 42, and in my life I’ve already confronted and overcome two possible life threatening illnesses.

So when the doc said this, it triggered all kinds of fear and overwhelm.

As the good doc tried to distract me, she happened to ask what I did for a living, and I told her I was a confidence coach for sensitive souls. I could feel the disbelief waving off of her, as though my emotions were somehow the betrayal of an insecure person. As though my lack of emotional composure MADE me a weak person.

Yes, I cried. Yes, I had a mini panic attack. Yes, I was scared.

Now here’s where TRUE confidence comes in: The whole time I was connected to MY truth – that those emotions didn’t weaken me one iota. That her assessment of me as a possible fraud was completely incorrect.

I didn’t take her opinion of me to heart, though I’ll admit it pissed me off. (Hey, I was already triggered.)

Confidence isn’t about always feeling invulnerable.

Confidence is knowing in moments when you FEEL your weakest you have the tools and resources within you to KNOW your value, your worth, and your identity.

Don’t buy the bullshit that confident people don’t experience fear.

We all have demons.

Confident people know how to look the demon in the eyes and say, “Yeah, I’m scared, but screw it, I’m going in anyway.”

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